Who We Are

Welcome from
Pastor Brent

Welcome to Locust Grove Baptist Church and thank you for visiting our website. This is an incredible way to find out what is going on here around Locust. You'll be able to watch our Sunday Morning Worship Service, and listen to our church podcasts. This is a great way for you to find out how to connect with the ministries here and how you can give to support those ministries financially. Here at Locust, we seek to be a church  that:
  • Makes much of Jesus
  • Commits ourselves to the business of God's Word
  • Loves well
  • Makes disciples
  • That prays and goes into the harvest
Join us in the mission that God has set before us; to take the Gospel to our neighbors and to the nations. Thanks for visiting and we hope to see you soon.

What to Expect

When you arrive at Locust Grove, look for a member of our Security Team (they will have on black shirts/jackets and will be easily identifiable.) They will be glad to assist you and answer any questions you may have about Locust Grove. Upon entering for our service, you will be welcomed by our greeters.

What We Believe