Weekly Update November 11
1 Timothy 5:10 talks about the requirements for widows who wish to receive help from the church. These requirements are: "having a reputation for good works; and if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work." It is telling what makes a widow worthy of honor. A woman worthy of honor does not have to do grand things but MUST be faithful in the small details: raising their children in the Lord and showing hospitality and mercy to those who need it most. What is most needed in our day are women who take care of the "small mundane details" when no one is looking.
Likewise, what is most needed is men who take care of the "small mundane details" when no one is looking. Men who serve the spiritual interests of their families above all else, and who don't let their kids' heads hit the pillow without engaging them in family devotions. Men who are willing to put down their hobbies to serve their wives and their children. Men who allow the Great Shepherd to lead and guide them each day so that they can be the shepherd that God has called them to be of their families.
If you're like me, these small mundane details are often some of the hardest things to press into. They require humility, self-sacrifice, and most importantly inner renewing which can only come by the Holy Spirit through the Gospel. Let us pray for forgiveness through the blood of Jesus where we fail in these things. Let us pray for the renewed hearts that we need to be faithful in the small details, especially when we don't feel like it. Let us not forget the words of the king to the steward who had been faithful with the little he had been given: "Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master" (Matthew 25:33).
This Wednesday at 6:30pm everyone (children and youth included) will meet in the sanctuary for our quarterly business meeting.
This Sunday morning we will continue our Family Sunday School Class at 10am on the bottom floor of the fellowship hall building (the gym).
This Sunday evening we will not have Refuge Hangout, instead, our Operation Christmas Child packing party will start at 2pm in the gym and will proceed until all the boxes are packed. This is a great event for families to attend with their children as we pack the donations the church has received throughout the year into boxes.
Many are likely wondering when we will resume our Wednesday night programs for children and youth. We plan to resume Hyfi and Refuge Students on January 15th since Baptists on Mission are still operating a recovery sight out of our church.
It's time to start thinking about camp, and about registering your children for camp. We have two upcoming camps for kids and students. You can find more information about both camps in the attached document. Registration for both camps will begin on November 1st, and go through January 28th. There are limited spots for each, especially for Snowbird, so all available spots will be first come, first serve. Please see me or call me (980-219-1876) if you have questions or wish to register your children. A deposit of $50 per child is required to register and hold a spot for your child. The remaining balance of $100 will be due by January 28th (the total cost of each camp is $150). Our goal is that any child who wants to attend camp is able to attend camp. If your family is not financially able to send your kid(s) to camp, please reach out to me, so that a solution can be reached for your kid(s) to attend camp.
May the Lord bless and keep you and your family over the upcoming week,
Matt Tucker out!!!
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