Weekly Update July 1
I have a confession to make. I feel inadequate. As a pastor, I feel inadequate. As a father, I feel inadequate. In most things, I feel inadequate and unsure, rather than confident.
I know that many of you also feel inadequate. How do I know that? I know that because I often see people who want to volunteer with our children's ministries but don't feel they're adequate to teach or lead.
I know that many of you also feel inadequate. How do I know that? I know that because I often see people who want to volunteer with our children's ministries but don't feel they're adequate to teach or lead.
I've got some really bad news for you. Your deepest insecurities are true (and so are mine). You are inadequate and you can't measure up. I am inadequate as a pastor and as a father and can't measure up. I know this because if we were adequate, God would not have needed to send His only begotten Son to obey where we could not and die to pay the punishment for our inadequacy before God.
2 Corinthians 5:21 says: "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
"So that we might become the righteousness of God?" Does this mean that when I fail as a pastor God sees me clothed in the righteousness of Christ who was always a perfect minister to those around Him? Does this mean that when I fail as a father, God sees me as the perfect father who always speaks with the right balance of compassion and truth because Christ always treated children with the uttermost love? I believe that is exactly what this passage means.
You are inadequate, but the truth of the Gospel is that Christ is adequate. Rest in knowing that if you've put your faith in Christ, you have "become the righteousness of God in Him." Let this knowledge propel you into a lifetime of ministry toward your spouse, children, and Church. If Christ is adequate, then this should give us the confidence we need to attempt what He has called us to even when we know we'll fall short.
There are no Wednesday night family ministries happening this week.
This week at Sunday School we will be taking a look at Acts 15. As Paul and Barnabas began seeing both Jew and Gentile lives changed by the gospel, their work in planting churches and discipling believers faced a new problem: a false gospel of works. Sunday's Bible passage poses two big questions: First, how exactly are people saved from their sins? Second, aren’t works an important part of our lives as believers? The answer to the salvation question lies in Peter’s address to the apostles and elders of the church in Jerusalem. Peter proclaimed that both Jews and Gentiles are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. He reminded the church that God has made no distinction between how Jews are saved or how Gentiles are saved. All are saved by having their hearts cleansed by Jesus' blood through faith (See Acts 15:9). Though our good works and obedience to God’s commands are evidence of His power inside us, they have never been the basis of our salvation. His gift of grace cannot be earned by circumcision or by keeping the law. As you review Acts 15 with your kids this week, try to demystify the truth of the gospel: God made a way for us to be saved through faith in Jesus. We cannot earn salvation. Rather, our good works are evidence of our faith as the Holy Spirit empowers us to obey Christ’s commands.
There will be no Refuge Hangout this Sunday Night, July 7th.
Next Wednesday (7/10), we will be having another family night at 6pm in the fellowship hall.
There will be some light refreshments, and then Pastor Brent will lead a time of bible study on why it's important to have regular times of worship together as a family. Nursery care will be provided, but families are encouraged to attend the bible study portion together. Afterward, families are invited to join us outside for a time of fellowship and games! A follow-up to this bible study, "How We Worship," will be offered later in the summer (8/21) and will include practical advice on family worship so that it is effective in training children in the Lord.
As always, don't forget to stay up to date with all our happenings via the Refuge Calendar.
May the Lord bless and keep you and your family this upcoming week,
Matt Tucker out!!!
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